Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Gone With the Wind

My area of Southwest Ohio in the United States has been pummeled the last few days by heavy rains interspersed with sunshine. In preparation I wore a waterproof fedora to the grocery store this afternoon. Exiting, I almost lost it when a gust of wind took hold of the brim. Lucky for me, it didn’t get far. Not only useful, the hat was a thoughtful gift from my deceased mother many, many years ago.

Later I walked near our home’s front windows at the perfect time to see a snippet of rainbow. It was the widest band of colors I’d ever seen. Unfortunately, the glimpse passed before I could grab a camera. Ah, well. I’m sure rainstorms this summer will provide many such beautiful sights. And I’m thankful for spotting it.

Do rainbows appear often, or at all, where you live? Have you ever seen the American film “Gone With the Wind”?



  1. Dearest Darla,
    Would have loved seeing you with that fedora—love hats like that or the Spanish Cordobes hats in black of course.
    I do prefer hats with a cord for fastening under my chin!
    Oh yes, rainbows are often visible and even inside our bathroom at certain times—they're magical to me.
    Gone With the Wind is a movie we both LOVE as well as the book. It also is magical, especially for southerners.
    Big hugs,
    Mariette + Kitties

    PS My rescue adventure for kitty Spicy from Acapulco got posted last night...

  2. Well, Darla, dad, having just returned from babysitting those pesky mutts, says he's never been a hat wearer with the exception of hoods when it's rainy/snowy, and he's ashamed to admit he's never seen Gone With the Wind. And today's stupid dad thought is that for whatever head-shaking reason this reminded him of Spinal Tap's "Break Like the Wind". Sometimes we wonder about his thought process...

    1. I haven't seen the film, either. lol It's not a period in time I care to see on screen. And your dad's not stupid; he's an amusing kindred soul. Heh...

  3. Looks like a huge line of storms is all along that part of the country. Hope you make it through okay!

  4. We see a rainbow now and then, but not very often. I've seen the movie. A wonderful movie.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week, Darla. Hugs. ♥

  5. Glad you didn't lose your hat. My mom uses plastic bags from Walmart and other stores to cover her heard when it rains. She gets a lot of comments from people. :) I have not seen that movie, but I do see rainbows once in a while. I am not outside often. My husband usually drags me out to look. :) XO

    1. You are so like my husband. lol I can't even drag him out, however, though the eclipse will likely be different. Hugs, my dear.

  6. Did you get any of the weather from the storm system yesterday, that spewed out so many tornados?

    1. Fortunately, we haven't needed to hide in the basement for years. Tornadoes are scary; I've dreamed of them on occasion. Be well, my dear.

  7. Rainstorms in summer? This does not compute.

  8. We don't see rainbows here very often. It has been mighty windy here too. The bad storms went south of us so we were lucky.

  9. Yes, we have our share but usually I am in the house and miss them. I always see them posted on FB! lol....Yep, been windy here, rain and storms Tue. afternoon.

    1. I have the luck of looking out our windows at the right time. :) Stay safe, my dear.

  10. We might see half a dozen rainbows a year. I saw Gone with the Wind many years ago and I can't really remember it now.

  11. Hi Darla. Visiting your blog for the first time and the rainbow caught me. Lovely post, so full of gratitude. I once saw a double rainbow. It was double the delight :)

    Arpita @ https://arpitamisra.blogspot.com/


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