Sunday, September 3, 2023

One Funny Man & a Missed Opportunity

Several weeks ago my right foot’s little toe became painful. I had an upcoming routine doctor visit and he confirmed my suspicion of Tailor’s bunion, a condition otherwise known as a bunionette. I found toe spacers before visiting my physician that prove quite comfortable. He agreed that such products and loose fitting shoes should preclude surgical intervention.

Polly put her foot down in this photo bomb, saying NO MORE,
though I have not worn these since before she put
her cute, fluffy polydactyl toes on my heart...

So, glad I found relief, my humorous husband nicknamed my condition a Funyon, after a snack food my childhood self may have eaten once or twice.
“Ha, ha,” I replied,
“That’s a Funyon
ette to you, sir.”

Another day I asked him to sort laundry while I pulled weeds. Often, my requests are ‘forgotten’ or unheard. He is deaf in one ear. I often write notes and went outside wondering if a verbal request would lead to disappointment.

Lo and behold, heading to take a shower I discovered neat piles of wash cloths and folded towels (!) alongside various organized garments. When I praised him for going above and beyond my expectations he should have accepted the accolades. Instead he missed out on positive reciprocation, saying he had just appeased his OCD.

Is not the Latin digitus quintus varus for my inflammation an awesome moniker? And is it any wonder past footwear choices triggered the condition?



  1. You crack me up. You and your husband crack me up. I can feel the love. I would do anything not to have surgery. I see you're the same.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Darla. Hugs. ♥

  2. I too would do anything I could to avoid surgery and like Sandy you cracked me up too.

  3. I'd much rather do laundry that deal with weeds too. I hope you don't need a toe truck anytime soon.

  4. I hope your quaint digital problem is soon much better. It must be a sign to put your stilettos permanently away now.

  5. Yes, sometimes the OCD will necessitate the chores get done. I hope your feet feel better soon.

  6. I like those boots! I'm not good with small heels but have tried, and endured the squeezing foot pain of sharp toed yet attractive footware. Nowadays I can barely stand to wear proper shoes and only do so in winter. Will that go away, the bunionette? I won't be lazy and will go look it up on google.

  7. Omg, you got to look at the photo on the right at the very bottom of this article about Tailors Bunion. The left photo shows the persons foot atop the insole of a shoe that is too small and the right one, shows the top of the boot cut out, and her or his foot squinched up in a shoe too small.
    Pretty graphic.

  8. Cats know best so I guess no more boots. I haven't had funyuns since I was a kid. XO


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