Wednesday, September 13, 2023

A Decent Retort & First World Concerns

Not long ago I purchased an apron. When our friend Phoenix visited I modeled it for him.

He asked, “Who are you and what have you done with my friend?”

“I ate her,” I replied.

On a different note, I’ve been going outside during my husband’s daily afternoon naps if the weather is good. Sometimes I use his hospital assigned walker (which, again, he no longer needs!) as a laptop stand. Other days, I roam around or just enjoy the view. Let me know if you think it’s wrong, but sometimes I pet fuzzy bumblebees. Here is video evidence.

As for our household, things are not all peaceful. To my dismay, Dandelion has been urinating and even defecating on the carpet just off the stone kitchen flooring.

My guy knows about the former. When he heard her pawing at the couch late Monday afternoon he asked me to check. That’s when I saw her little brown ‘gifts’. He asked if I found any wetness and I replied in the negative while surreptitiously cleaning up. I’d already placed a box with some litter where she peed. Now there is an old folded towel where she pooped. ~sigh~ While I dislike the idea of litter and whatnot all over our kitchen floor, this situation is nigh untenable. Any and all recommendations are appreciated. This kitty isn’t going anywhere. ~grin~ And I’m sure my husband would agree. I just don’t want him stressed.

No stress here for Dandelion...

Polly just hanging out...

Terra enjoying other kitty furniture...

Have you been following the horrible events in the Mediterranean? How can I complain with all the misery around this world?



  1. That was some bee petting video. First, a Vet trip is in order to rule out something medical since that isn't normal. Second, it may be she doesn't like the litter. Lastly, you might want to try Dr. Elsey's Cat Attract Litter or The Cat Attact additive you can add to your litter.

  2. That's a nasty problem to have at home and yes, in the big picture maybe to be judged as nothing, but our daily lives are small picture lives and we have to make the best of them.

  3. The question is: is she acting out or is there some other problem? it's annoying when that happens, but with pets, that happens. (Sorry I haven't listed your keychain yet. I've been slammed with work this week. I'll probably get it listed tomorrow.)

    1. Thanks for weighing in. :) And no worries about my keychain but I appreciate you letting me know.

  4. How many litter boxes do you have for all three?
    Sometimes there is litter box bullying. Slinko tries it, attacking or charging another cat at their most vulnerable, creating litter box use issues with the bullied cat. Cat Attract litter can also help. If nothing else, you may have to confine to small room or cage to get her back into litter box usage. My guess is she may not have had one, or one that was kept clean, at prior place. Remember how well cats can smell and some cats don't like the smell of other cats poops.

    1. I appreciate your wisdom. I'll post answers to your questions in a post. Thank you, my dear, and be well.

  5. I would have responded the same to your friend. Poor Dandelion clearly feels threatened to use the boxes where they are located. Do you have them in more than one area? If not, you should. It is also recommended to have one box per cat plus one. I do not have 14 boxes though so I won't judge. :) XO

  6. Good to hear your husband is recovery but oh no about Dandelion.

  7. Caring for a pet is so important, even though I do not have a pet, I have seen my friends care for one. Give it time, I am sure things will fall in place.


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