Saturday, September 23, 2023


I have two videos to share. One is of Dandelion, who slinks around looking for Terra and/or Polly, then relaxes for play or just showing her cuteness. ~grin~ By the way, I’ve started pulling out the vacuum cleaner whenever anyone goes after Dani, who couldn’t care less.

While disrupting the contentious dynamic is my current goal, getting the other two used to the noisy ‘beast’ would be a perk, as is cleaner flooring. Heh… Please, any cat lovers let me know if you think this is a bad idea.


The other video is of my neighbor, a kind young lady who braved my barbed wire sans gloves (!) without wounding herself. I was appreciative and relieved. Now my scrap wood ‘demon’ can be completed for display.

Do you think Dandelion has leucism with those pink eye reflections? And isn’t my neighbor a dear?



  1. Such a sweet kitty! Turning on the vacuum should be a problem as long as you don't pretend to go after them with it. Cats don't do well at all with punishment, they will resent you for it. Reward is the best, but distraction works well. If she stops and does something good, give her some treats. You do have a nice neighbor!

  2. It was kind of your neighbour to help. I wouldn't touch the wire without gloves.

  3. Dani is so cute. I want to snorgle that tummy. I am impressed your neighbor didn't get hurt. I had to look up leucism. Not sure if she has it. XO

    1. She'll allow me to pet her tummy even during playtime. :D

  4. That was nice of your neighbor to help you out.

  5. Who is talking in the background of the Dani video? Your neighbor handles barbed wire like a pro. I doubt gloves unless leather or welders, would help much against barbed wire anyhow.

    1. I thought I killed the audio. ~shakes head~ The voice is coming from our TV via Youtube, a content creator my husband follows. Good point about the gloves.


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