Thursday, March 20, 2025

Long Overdue - A Glimpse of Upcoming Spring

Every day I think about my friends in the blogosphere and intend to both comment and post something myself. On the bright side, I have been busy preparing for the gardening season. Seedlings for some peppers and tomatoes have been started downstairs on a heated seedling mat while lettuce seeds are outside in a container (fingers cossed) and I shall soon sow some carrot seeds.

These crocus blooms have faded
already, replaced by daffodils...

I am, of course, so sad about all those devastated by tornadoes and high winds. We are blessed that Ohio has thus far been spared, not to mention being insolated from the countless horrors people bring upon one another every day. ~sigh~ So, I hope my simple photo at least brightens your day.

Did you know that carrots are notoriously difficult to grow? Can you believe one of the tomato seeds has sprouted in just a few short days?



  1. We have lots of weeds because of all the rain. Got to get that sorted soon. Love your flowers and they made me smile.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. Happy Spring. ♥

  2. We are thankful that blooming season seems to be here and we hope it sticks!

  3. Staying off the internet is probably wise right now. I'm glad your gardening is going well.

  4. Very pretty. Crocuses are just popping up around here. Yes, I knew about carrots. We used to grow Danver's half long. My hubby is going to try again this year. And that is fast for tomato seeds. Are you trying a pumpkin again this year? XO

    1. I do plan on growing more pumpkins. :D Thank you for the kind words.

  5. Love carrots, and The Hubby picks the best ones, as he does all of the shopping.
    Purple and red, orange and white...I just crunch them like any horse...hahaha!

  6. Gardening is such a wonderful way to connect with nature.

    1. Very true, and I am blessed to have time for it. :D

  7. I only recall about carrots is their tops are easy to grow if put in wet cotton wool. That probably doesn't end up making a carrot.
    Lettuce seeds sound challenging.

    1. Lettuce is supposedly easy, so we shall see. Heh... And that's interesting about carrot tops. Perhaps they sprout roots (?); either way, I'll try to maintain updates.

  8. Swapping from crocus to daffodils is not such a hardship.

  9. I thought carrots might be easy. Beets grow like weeds and radishes too, turnups. These are about the only vegees I can easily grow, having no green thumb, outisde of potatoes and green onions. I just use the ones that sprout, bury the sprouted pieces and potatoes are born. Green onions from the store, I just cut off a bit of bulb end and bury it and they grow for some reason.

    1. Awesome! I never had luck with beets, little with radishes, and our potato attempt failed miserably. lol But we have learned much and I'm trying again. Be well!

  10. We (by "we" I mean dad) don't have a green thumb, nor the patience to go along with it. Those tornadoes are indeed devastating, and our hearts go out to all who've been affected by them.

  11. da tabbies o trout towneMarch 23, 2025 at 12:19 PM

    ...a friend of mine back in HS days had a bulldog; bruno. he enjoyed laying in the sun on a small hill top across from my friends house, where they planted a garden. janet, my friend, went out to the garden one day to pick a few fresh carrots for dinner...bruno was chillaxin out there at the time. janet searched for the carrot tops to no avail...she saw about two...told her mom rabbit must have eaten the tops off...her mom is now mad and follows janet to the garden to see what she meant. they arrived back to the garden in time to find bruno eating the "green tops" off the remaining carrots. so much for blaming...rabbits !! ")

  12. I sure do know that about carrots. I gave up. I never EVER got one to do more than look like a kitchen match in length and width.


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