Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Another Look at the Bright Side

It’s a sorry fact that my husband has little interest in exercise of any sort. On the bright side, this and his love of food make negotiating easy. For example, he recently agreed to meet family an hour and a half away because it meant tasty German food.

On the flip side, his cute big eyes and adorable whiny mantra almost swayed me to drive him to our car’s oil change appointment. He offered lunch. Much less food orientated, I asked him to sweeten the deal. He asked what I wanted.

I requested a walk. We didn’t even set a place or precise date. Yet suddenly, now he’d resolved to drive himself. So I stayed home and cooked a big pot of stew.

Not an image of mine, but this recipe looks amazing...

Is there anything better than warm soup on cold days? Do you have a favorite comfort food?



  1. We often have beef stew when it's cold weather, yum!

  2. We have soup once a month and I agree that soup is a wonderful thing to have on a cold day. Your stew looks fabulous. Yummy.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week, my friend. Hugs. ♥

    1. My stew was of the fish variety and looked very different. lol But it's all gone now, yummy in our tummies. Hugs, my dear.

  3. It's nice to get out and walk. I'm sorry your husband won't do that with you.

  4. That looks so good. Your hubby sounds like me- food motivated and exercise averse. :) XO

  5. A good steak, not too large, chips (large syle fries) and a Greek style salad. Before having meals on wheels style food delivered, I would have also said, a roast lamb meal.

  6. If bribery doesn't work, threats of some sort? Guess that sounds a bit harsh. My mom uses beer to bribe dad now and then, and it always, always works. On the walking front- dad regularly puts in an averge of 10,000 steps and 4 to 7 miles a day at work.They pretty much don't eat any red meat, and one thing they like to do occasionally is pick up one of those store-made rotisserie birds for a dinner, then dad makes a fresh batch of chicken vegetable soup from the remains.

    1. Your dad sure gets lots of exercise! :D And I hope you get a few bits from the bird, but those probably have seasonings that are bad for kitties. In that case, I'm sorry, sweet Smudge.

  7. I love soup and stew all year long! Nom nom

  8. This is Katie Isabella ☺️🐾😻


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