Sunday, March 23, 2025


Our nearby aquarium is a place I’ve wanted to revisit for many, many years. A trip was my birthday wish and I was willing to wait for a new exhibit. It’s scheduled to open later this next month.

I forgot my chosen date falls in late April. ~sigh~ However, I had picked the least busy weekday and earliest time slot to avoid both crowds while also saving some money. Loads of children are painfully noisy and also heat up the space unbearably.

My dear husband not only came through with this gift, earning my silly happy dance that morning, he also recalled the proper date. Fingers crossed, traffic through Cincinnati won’t be terrible that day.
This is a cool place...

Do you enjoy watching aquatic life? Have you ever walked through such a tunnel?



  1. Yes, we have an aquarium like the one you are visiting. I recall you mentioning it before, and how terrific that you are seeing it again. Still a month or so to anticipate.

  2. I love visiting aquariums. Such beautiful sea life. I've never done a tunnel though. I would like to.

    Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

    1. You're welcome to come along, though the trip's a bit far. lol Hugs, my dear.

  3. Oooh, aquariums are fun. In late April, won't the kiddos be in school? I would imagine you won't have to worry about crowds until summer break.

    1. I agree about the fun factor. However, wherever I go school groups clog every interesting place despite time of year.

  4. I haven't been to a real aquarium like that ever.

  5. The Oregon Coast Aquarium in Newport has a fish tunnel. Its really fun, my favorite part of the aquarium besides all the nerdy info about all sorts of sea life given.

  6. Aquariums are enjoyable for me too, but I've not been in a long while. I couldn't login to google to comment (Brian's Home)

    1. I would bring along anyone willing to go if I could. :D Aren't login issues annoying? I have to use different browsers depending on what I want to do.


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