Friday, March 1, 2024

Buzz, Buzz

For all the kind folks interested, my friend Scars came through hip replacement surgery well and is already home. He hasn’t asked for any assistance so far. Phoenix, while frustrated by the setback from another fall, got cleared for better pain maintenance regarding his amputated leg.

I’m still busy taking care of my husband due to back pain. Busy as a bee, one might say. On a funny note, Phoenix smoked a lot during our outing and I still have a nicotine buzz headache hours later./span>

I must say, all these guys are appreciative. And I met some nice folks today.

One lady held the door for a couple leaving the spinal care center the man replied, “We moved here two years ago from Philadelphia and I’m still not used to all the kindness local people show.”

That woman and I agreed any interaction should include some little kindness and/or simple uplifting words. I don’t care if it’s praising a person’s outfit or hairstyle, aiding someone seeking a grocery item, or perhaps just smiling I think positivity spreads, as shown in the film “Pay it Forward”.

Have heard the saying “ misery likes company”? Don’t you agree that positivity is a better force?




  1. Dearest Darla,
    Those are uplifting updates about people with the right dose of willpower!
    We all can learn from them and yes, positivity is the BEST option for going through life.
    Big hugs,

  2. I remember walking onto a tram stop platform and someone had written in chalk, "You look nice today". It really made me feel so good, even if it wasn't true.

    1. Oh, that's a nice sentiment; graffiti at its best. :D Be well,
      - Darla

  3. It's good to hear that the your men are doing better now. Perhaps once they're all healed they can gang up on you with some much needed attention and pampering? Anyhoo, we agree- even little hints of kindness, concern, love and generosity can go a long way and hopefully one day more and more humans will be able to learn that and show it easily. (dad comment about how many people suck removed)

    1. Thank you for the kind words. I hope to dine out somewhere with these three guys. :) Sad to say, I tend to agree with your dad. Blessings, my dear.
      - Darla

  4. great....I started a book a yr or so ago, lost most of it when I forgot my password to my email where I was storing it. I need to call att and get that all worked out.

    1. I hope you get it sorted. :D Be well, my dear.
      - Darla

  5. I totally agree, always be kind, it's easy and the right thing to do.

    1. I imagine you practice this all the time. :D
      Blessings, Darla

  6. Glad your friends are recovering. I hope your hubby feels better soon. I definitely prefer kindness to misery. XO

  7. Good developments; hope your husband's back improves too.
    Currently am finding that positivity vibe missing at my workplace; feeling like a cog in the wheel with little care from the men at the top, because they are all men.

    1. Thank you. I'm sorry your workplace isn't so nice.
      Blessings, Darla

  8. Prayers for all that need them and I love your pay it forward. Such a simple thing to do.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Darla. Big hug. ♥

  9. It's good to show kindness to others.

    1. That is so true. And kind words and little actions are so easy.
      - Darla


  10. I know my comment is not post related, yet, I would like to say
    thank you for your kindness to me and my family
    and for stopping by to say good bye, as I left to start my tenth life in heaven , with lovez from dai$y 🌸

    1. Thank you for being such a wonderful addition to your family and inspiring kindness. You are definitely missed.

      Hugs, Darla

      PS Thank you for the tenth life comment, which made me smile through trickling tears.

  11. Wonderful to hear about all the kindness.. we need a lot more of it.

    1. Amen! Blessings, my dear.

      - Darla Sands


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