Wednesday, February 28, 2024

A Mishmash of Hopes, Wishes, and Appreciation as My Favorite Men Fall Apart

My 55th birthday passed uneventfully as my husband somehow hurt his back. ~pout~ Since February 15th he remains in agony despite his doctor’s cortisone shot, prescribed muscle relaxants, and ibuprofen. I don’t know how or when but hope things improve.

Today my friend (AKA ‘little brother’) Scars underwent a hip replacement. His father said he came through well. I can only wish upon him some relief from his lifelong juvenile arthritis pain. Minutes ago he sent photos; the guy is a hero to me.

The same goes for our friend Phoenix who once again fell and wounded the site of his amputated leg. ~sigh~ At least he didn’t end up spending two weeks in hospital this time.

On a brighter note, I’m much healthier than my favorite guys and have free time. I’ve been making a point of lifting weights, swimming laps, or hiking.

Every few hours my husband needs various assistance due to the difficulty he suffers standing. This Friday I’ll be accompanying Phoenix to see his pain therapist. The poor guy can neither wear his prosthetic leg nor balance to get his walker in and out of the car.

Scars and his elderly father may need the understandable help I’ve offered, as well. We shall see. They’re all amazing men.

How are you and yours?



  1. Happy Belated Birthday!! I will be 55 in July. :) I am sorry all the men in your life are hurting. I hope they all feel better soon. XO

    1. Thank you. I hope you have a wonderful birthday. :) Hugs, my dear.
      - Darla Sands

  2. Thank you for the kind words. Hugs to you and well wishes, my dear.

  3. I hurt my back in 2014 and it took over six months to heal. I thought it would be pain I would be stuck with for life. Ten years later with arthritis, that is a pain that will be with me for life.

    1. I'm glad you recovered from your back injury but sorry you're suffering arthritis. I think that is starting to creep into my bones. lol It's the price of living, I suppose.
      Best wishes,

  4. Dearest Darla,
    Happy belated Birthday! The fact that you had your Birthday means you are ALIVE! That in itself is celebration enough.
    You mention some brave men in your life—wishing them all well. Life is not always easy but we have to soldier on, what is the alternative?
    My husband is amazing as a 94–year old caretaker. Who would have dreamed that a woman (not looking at all) would hit me while I was on my E–bike, trying to make a left turn. Several fractures and a tear in aorta for which I got air–lifted and extensive groin area surgery kept me alive. The pain I've had was the worst in my life, opiates did not even help, they only made me vomit. Quit taking them and prayed even harder in order I would stay alive as I was down to 88 pounds and very weak. I'm grateful that I've gained back some ten pounds and that the inflammation around my thoracic spine area stent–graft left me alone. Did have my 1st chancel choir rehearsal last night and feel oh so grateful for prayers being heard!
    Praying hard that Pieter and I can remain alive together for a bit more of some quiet time and that his heart will hold up.
    He did continue biking on his own!
    Big hugs,
    Mariette + Kitties

    1. No wonder your recovery took so long! I am so sorry that happened. You're an amazing woman with an amazing husband. :)
      I pray you have much joy in your future together.

  5. Happy Belated 55th Birthday, Darla. Sorry to hear that all the men in your life are going through some tough times. On top of his various dental issues, dad's trying to tough out hip, lower back and now knee stuff. He's a young 62, but things are starting to let go. Maybe celebrate your birthday when the hubby's feeling better??

    1. Thank you. I'm sorry your dad is hurting.
      Healing hugs,

  6. Oh man. One of my favorite men, my younger brother, just had his knee replaced. So he's out of action. But this replacement went far better than his first. I hope Scars comes through his ok. As for your husband, gosh I hope he gets better. Phoenix must be strong to pull through such adversity. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I have one also with no plans. I sure wish we lived closer.

    1. I'm glad this surgery went better. Thank you for the kind words. I wish we were neighbors.

  7. Dang, that's too many painful things going on and we send prayers. Happy Belated Birthday from all of us.

    1. Thank you!
      - Darla Sands

  8. My dear, we do the same regarding fitness. It makes one feel like a million dollars. I am so sorry about all your men folk going through these ultra painful things. May they get better and better and if they feel inclined, perhaps a second opinion regarding therapy. XXOO For me and Katie, two of our kitty furriends passed on the same day. I did not know about the second one until today. Take care my friend. Here's a hug to help. (HUG)

    1. There is so much sorrow in the world. Hugs to you, as well.

  9. Your guys are keeping you busy. I hope they're helpful to you when you need help.

    1. Thanks! They're good people.
      - Darla

  10. Why haven't I visited your blog before?!?!?
    Weird, no?
    It's hard when our loved ones aren't well.

    1. No worries. Blessings, my dear, and thank you for the kind words.
      - Darla

  11. well, for once I am doing better than most....most being your guys!!! haha...has hubs thought about a chiro? I know, lots of folks will not, some try, hate and never go back. I honestly think through my years of going, have found a good one. And its diff kind of chiro, no snap, crackle and pop going on. Anyway, hoping your guys esp hubs gets better.....Happiest blated bday to you! Such a young one, you are! lol....Hubs also needs to be careful with IB....that stuff started eating a hole in my gut. Be sure he eats with it. As for the painting on your wall, if I was coming that way I would stop in and play with it. Can you draw?>

    1. Thank you for the kind words and suggestions. I would welcome you to visit, my dear. ~hugs~ My artistic skills are limited; mostly I doodle. lol

      - Darla


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