Friday, February 2, 2024

My Year?

My dentist prognosticating 2024 as “my year” leaves me in doubt as to specifics. February hasn’t started off so great.

Dandelion decided to jump onto my side around midnight, January 31st. Slipping, she dug her claws into my right forearm. While painful, it didn’t give me much thought until later. I could have sworn she left a shed claw in my flesh.

After consulting my primary care physician via phone I visited a local urgent care facility. The nurse practitioner who treated my topical foot infection last spring retained his dry humor.

“Now, the fun begins,” he quipped upon entering the examination room. His magnified close inspection revealed no foreign object, much to my relief. I’m simply on a seven day antibiotic course.

As in May of 2023 he again said to avoid folk remedies like warm compresses followed by squeezing the wound site. I replied in agreement and how I declined my husband’s suggested ointment and bandage.

Acting impressed, he immediately asked if I had a medical background. Far from it, mere bad luck and being a klutz have taught me a lot over the years.

Did you know that antibiotics help push intruding objects out? Isn’t a good sense of humor important in most any upbeat workplace?



  1. Well my dear, my dad says good humor is important everywhere, especially these days. That's an intersting fact about antibiotics, too. We're glad Dandelion's talon was not, in fact, embedded! Say, dad's dentist could've said the same thing to him, but not in a good way. So far this year while awaiting his appointment to remove what was left of a tooth after losing a crown, he broke the front half of another tooth clean off!

    1. Oh, no! That is awful; I hope it's not terribly painful/uncomfortable.

  2. The nurse is well trained and knows his stuff. Would you believe I cut my finger while washing my face this Saturday evening? How could that happen? Blood thinners are involved.

    1. He is good. :) I hope your cut is healing. Ouch!

  3. Dearest Darla,
    Oh, on my left forearm I still bear a mark left by Angel Speckie... That's what we tolerate from our little panthers (tuxie) and tigers.
    If they step on you, such a pressure point can give in and yes it is worse for my husband who's on blood thinners.
    But we sure LOVE them!
    Mariette + Kitties

    1. I'm grateful not to be on blood thinners. Hugs, my dear!

  4. Yikes, that sounds painful. I'm glad something wasn't stuck in the wound. Hopefully it'll heal up quickly.

  5. That would have been something, to have her have left a claw in your arm. Glad you got it taken care of.

    1. Thanks. :) And that did happen once, a very long time ago. Jezebel left a little gift in my husband's hand. lol Dandelion is a long legged female with very huge claws, as it turns out. ~sigh~ But I don't blame her for the accident. Blessings, my dear.

  6. Really? You ask me if a sense of humor is important at work? LOL.....lets just say, I kept my partners in crime in stitches. LOL.....Deborah and Cindy was always being surprised by things I did and said. Yes, it is very important, esp working in law enforcement. OUCH, Lily only got me once, when she was a kitten, I was at the sink washing dishes and from a chair in the kitchen, she decided to jump on my back. Luck, and for me, it was LUCK, no infection. I think what helps me when I get a scratch is I clean it THEN with soap and water. Lily and Misty might not have gotten me but in my times of taking care of other cats, I have gotten my dues and like I said, I guess I have gotten lucky. I clipped the nails of Zuzu once, wild child cat, only a vet has ever done the clipping. I got a couple of marks but nothing bad. Sorry for you battle wound there...

    1. Thanks for the giggles and kind words. It seems that Dandelion is so large that her claw just went super wide and deep.


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