Sunday, June 11, 2023

A Friend's Day Out

I befriended a fellow writer at a gathering several years ago. We immediately bonded before the others even arrived, almost like long lost siblings. I consider him the little brother I never had. He goes by the name Scars, which I’ve encouraged, because his lifelong battle with arthritis has ravaged his body.

This disabled gentleman tends his ailing uncle while his widower father travels, which happens a great deal, and visits his lovely lady in Texas when able. Since he had free time both Wednesday (when I was busy) and Thursday, I reached out.

My husband didn’t feel ready for a lengthy outing. But bless him, he wanted me to get out and have fun. So Scars and I met at one of my favorite restaurants where he insisted on buying my lunch. The place has delicious South American cuisine and a stellar enclosed patio.

We sat beneath that yellow window.
Afterward he further exhibited his gallant nature. After I freshened up and emerged from El Meson he sat in his car having a quick smoke. I walked over and resumed talking before realizing he had a podcast playing.

“I’m sorry,” I said, “you’re listening to something.”

“I’m listing to you,” he replied without pause.

How sweet is that? And speaking of sweet, have you ever eaten Columbian arepas de choclo, or any South American cuisine?



  1. What a wonderful visit you had and are part of a podcast. How fun. I love trying food from different countries. So many delightful dishes.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Darla. Big hug. ♥

  2. I am glad you were able to get together with a friend. XO

  3. What a sweet outing with a sweet person.

  4. It really is great that you were able to get together and enjoy each others company for a while!

  5. It's good to get out with friends.

  6. It is always nice to get out and visit with folks, maybe even a good idea to have a break from hubs and him from you. lol....Sounds like you had fun and your friend sounds like a gentleman

  7. Replies
    1. I don't, and need to rectify the misunderstanding. lol

  8. Yes, nothing like meeting friends, and going out. Glad you had jolly good time!

  9. I did Columbian recently, it was tasty but I could not enjoy it, I was in some major butt kicking pain. I smiled and talked and took my food home for later. That is what I do, no reason to make others miserable, so I smile.


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