Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Blast from the Past - Our Silly Tilly Willy

Life was good...

...even after a summer shave;

& snuggles with Jezebel rocked.
She literally ran to jump on my husband’s lap the evening before she passed away in the night. I have so many photos of her general goofiness. I should organize them. We miss you, Tilly!



  1. Such precious memories.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Darla. ♥

  2. She must have wanted you to know how much she loved you, and appreciated spending her life with you. She was beautiful!

    1. Thank you. My husband still misses his lap cat, as do I, even if he was her favorite. :D

  3. Our little creatures bring us such delight, such fun and love. They worm their way into our hearts and leave a blank space when they are gone. That spot can never be filled. We might find love and fun from more critters along the way, but that love we felt for out past loved ones will always stay with us.

  4. Your favourite? It is allowed with pets, just not your children.

  5. Such a fun sweetie and wonderful memories. Hugs as you remember your Tilly.

  6. Tilly was beautiful. We never forget those we love. It is a blessing to have photos. XO

  7. I miss all of my kitties who went on without me. They can't be replaced.

  8. Oh what a beautiful kitty, love her! It's hard sometimes to think of long lost friends.

    1. I have suffered losses nowhere near your numbers. ~hugs~ You have taken in/rescued/overall saved so many. You're amazing. And thank you for the kind words. She was a beautiful clown. :D

  9. Hi Darla- Pam's "blank spaces" comment hit it. Good to visit you again, and thanks for stopping by for my Imagine post. Have a nice weekend.

  10. What a beautiful cat she was. Send you gentle head bonks and whisker kisses. You are awesome, purrs Marvelous Marv


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