Saturday, May 29, 2021

A Raw Bit of Prose

Sorceror's Bane

“I refuse to entertain your claim,” wheezed the old man.

“Say what you will,” refuted the proud mother. “After all, she has your eyes.”


Willem leaned forward, gathering his heavy robes about knobby feet so as not to trip, and stood squaring bony shoulders. The child looked up, cherubic and unblinking.

“Hello, Father,” she chirped.

“What is your name, girl?”


“Ah, clever Hester. Naming your spawn thus may convince superstitious villagers, but a rose by any other name… Well.” He chuckled. “At least she’s no shrinking violet.”

Willamina, still wide eyed, muttered an alien phrase. Caught halfway between guttural throat singing and a mournful hum, her voice trailed off into reedy echoes. They faded as if swallowed by the hall’s ancient shadows. Cornflower blue eyes rolled back in the brunette’s petite face.

The mage’s thin chest welled. He bellowed a startled expletive. Hestor cackled at Willem slapping his hands over his ears.

“Too late,” Hestor taunted.

Willamina blinked three times and clapped her hands once. Coming out of her obvious trance, she winked one rheumy brown eye.

It was the last thing Willem saw. The last thing he heard was a childish titter lacing Hestor’s repeated prediction.

“I told you, my dearest mentor and betrayer, she has your eyes.”



  1. Oh Wow! Now I want to hear the rest of the story!

  2. Replies
    1. I'm glad you think so. ~grin~ Be well, my dear.

  3. Well done. You spun a most interesting tale.

    Have a fabulous weekend. Big hug. ♥

  4. Best not to deny one's offspring.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you! From a published author, it's high praise indeed. :)

  6. Eyes always tell the truth....the whole story. Yet, you have to look, you have to want to see cause the owner of the eyes are good at hiding the truth and the whole story.....


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