Saturday, May 15, 2021

Bottled Up, Boxed In, & Unbridled (Joy)

Please forgive any errors. I'm trying not to spend so much time nitpicking. :) In the long run who cares anyway?

In a perfect example of First World problems our built-in kitchen soap dispenser is a pain to refill. From above it is slow and the removable bottle is tucked way up behind both the right hand sink and garbage disposal. Removal is easier than replacement and I did it without thinking so I had no choice but to finish the job I twisted into all sorts of contortions and worked up quite a sweat. Sweet Polly ‘supervised’ all the while. Her super soft distracting cuteness made my task all the more difficult. At last I succeeded.

Minor lingering aches and pains are another win. I count that as an unplanned workout!

I also needed to do some laundry loads without letting cats into that cellar room where we store various potentially toxic paints and such. My first attempt at engaging Terra and Polly in play succeeded until my steadily speedier basement approach met Terra’s racy intervention. Her equally fast sister and she followed me back down the upper hall whereupon I shut them inside for the few precious minutes needed.

A win. Right? Not quite.

Upstairs I let them out but could not enter the room. Entry had been blocked by a narrow box I’d stashed behind the door. ~shakes head~ Fortunately I managed to push away the obstruction without pinching my arm (or worse).

How can one not laugh at these cat antics? And can you believe Jezebel tolerates their craziness with minimal hissing despite their manic efforts to engage her in play?



  1. Sounds like some real kitty fun! Oh, that soap dispenser it no fun, ours is way up under there too but the top part is easy to remove and refill.

  2. That is so funny about the box. Makes me laugh.

    1. My husband wasn't so amused until I got it out of the way. I, on the other hand, couldn't stop laughing while I called him over to see what they'd done. Heh...

  3. Let the errors roll on. Ain't nobody cares!
    I'd love to have been there to see that when it all took place!

  4. This is Katie Isabella. Mom forgot to log into my blog. I noticed you are also a fan of Gary Larson! YES!

    1. He is awesome. We're lucky he's back to making new art and putting out the older goodies. You're awesome, too. :)

  5. I'm surprised the kittens didn't punish you for shutting them away.

  6. Never a dull moment with kitties. :) I am so lazy that I stopped refiling our built-in dispenser and I just buy a bottle to keep by the sink. :) XO

  7. I worked in the garden on Saturday, and could barely move by evening! Am feeling mostly okay today, but it's worth it.

  8. Cats are wonderful entertainment ;)

    1. Absolutely. I missed out for decades before stray cat Luna impelled me to get on proper asthma/allergy meds. ~nods~ Be well, my dear.

  9. haha....yep, Misty likes to supervise what I do, esp if I am headed to the bathroom. LOL....I thought about getting a soap thingy when I had the new sink put in but decided against it. I am glad. I figured it would be more trouble then enjoyment, guessing I was right. Those sort of work outs, when you get in those cramped positions, having to make your body go this way or that way is not always the best work outs. Glad it was not me, those type of things make me hurt more and more. I just got out of the floor where I was working on a poster and I had an issue standing straight up.....walking is totally funny when I have been sitting on the floor.

    1. I feel for you. You accomplish so much in defiance of your health issues. ~hugs~ Be well, my dear.

  10. Some of the modern conveniences can at times act up! I can imagine the frustrations. Happens here too at times!

    1. I am happy to report we weren't frustrated so much as appreciative of newer technology. LOL Be well!

  11. Hee! Hee! sounds like life here! Life with cats is fun but then modern "conveniences" can be fun too!


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