Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Novel Suggestion

While nitpicking editing today, I discovered I’d overused forms of the word ‘amused’ in this particular short story. So I accessed the Microsoft Word thesaurus.

Midway through the listed options, one phrase baffled me. Detective novel? Seriously? I saved visual proof.

Meanwhile, Tilly the cat is breathing easy and demanding snuggle time. Right now the old gal is against my knee. She returns to the veterinary clinic tomorrow. I hope the doctor(s) will be pleasantly shocked.

Can you imagine how someone might have come up with detective novel?



  1. Keep up the good work, Tilly.

    I'm scratching my head over how detective novel would be under delighted.

    Have a fabulous day, Darla. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Tilly. ♥

  2. I am so happy about Tilly. No idea on the detective novel :)

    1. I know, right? :) Weird. And we're happy for now, too!

  3. That would be a detective novel in itself to discover why and how that was included there.

  4. Detective Novel....Okay I like Strayers comment above!! haha. Yep, not sure about that word. Put it in one of your sentences and see how it works. I am glad Tilly is doing well and love that she is staying close for snuggle time. Lily tends to want attention right at bedtime and in the middle of the night....and of course it has to be all about her, I get no loving from her!! haha

    1. Lily is the quintessential cat. Just don't expect her to stay the same. ~grin~ When we think we have them figured out, their habits alter.

  5. I want to know who's been editing the thesaurus. Yikes.

    1. To be fair, I have a *really* old version of Windows. I don't like change. ~grin~ But still...

  6. Detective novel......that's truly crazy. I don't get that at all. Hope things go well at the vet.

  7. Often, it's a delightful game, to see what comes up in the search bar after I've typed in a few letters! Makes the mind reel...

  8. That's indeed strange! :-) I have no clue. Either a human error or a computer malfunction!


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