Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Fertile Ground

Well, since the A to Z Challenge ended I really haven't written anything except some journal pages. Definitely nonfiction in the boring section. ~grin~ At least we got our garden planted.

Except for our two Earthbox Planters, which received garden center plants, the ground is not much to look at. The bare looking dirt primarily bears seeds - carrots, beets, and something called a watermelon radish which is white on the outside with a red interior. And the carrots should come in various colors including purple and white.

Rows Marked with Bamboo Chopsticks & Some Twine
In the back are some sugar snap peas with a few radish seeds tucked in between. I really hope we get some tasty crops. Meanwhile, it's fun watching the peas reach for the twine-laced tomato cages.

I Want a Stop Motion Camera (!)
As for our tomatoes, they got one of the Earthboxes, a highly recommended growing system. The big one is a cherry tomato variety known as Sweet Millions. I hope it doesn't overshadow the heirloom Mortgage Buster, so named for its creator paying off a $6,000 USD 1930's (!) era home loan. The man received $1 a piece for his plants way back then! My fingers are officially crossed.

Wish the Little Guy Luck!
As for another staple, we like hot peppers. In fact there are two little habañero plants at lower right of the first image. The other two are shown below alongside three jalapeño babies and a larger so-called "super chili".

Waiting for the Sun...
As a smelly bonus, my amorphophallus konjac patch produced a record (for me) six corpse-scented blooms. I had no idea what I was in for when buying one small pot years ago; we half expect someone knocking on our door will believe there is a dead body inside and call the authorities. The summertime foliage of this "voodoo lilly" remains worth the spring odor as the flowers trap their winged protein snacks.

What I Bought in One Little Pot...
And here is what I have now...

Step Into My Parlor, Said the Flower to the Fly
Sorry the flowers are surrounded by so much distracting greenery. My crabapple tree nearer the front patio and centranthus blooms have been here even longer than the konjac. So, here is a close-up taken of one bloom years ago:

Happy Gardening!


  1. Looks like you've been busy. Good luck with it all.

    1. Thank you so much! I hope you are having a lovely day.

  2. I'm jealous of your peas! ;-) I should've grown some this year, but have put it off until next. Got some vegetables and herbs started, though they are mostly little sprouts since I'm trying to do most everything from seed. My most ambitious is probably strawberry popping corn. All I've sown have sprouted -- we'll see. I wish you a healthy garden and happy harvest!

    1. Good luck with your efforts! I'm impressed that you start so many plants from seeds. I've not had a lot of luck in that department, in part because I'm impatient and also didn't really understand how to harden off plants started under an indoor grow light. ~rolls eyes~ That strawberry popping corn sounds neat! Best wishes to you, my dear.

  3. I do envy you. Whatever I try to plant dies :( All I can do in the garden without destroying it is mowing the lawn and swinging on my new chair :) Great post. Enjoy your garden.

    1. Aw, I'm sorry you haven't had good fortune with planting. Thank you for the kind word. I hope you enjoy your new chair!

  4. It is fun to plant and watch things take root...plants and writing!

    1. Nicely said, my dear. Happy writing! I hope you are having a lovely day.

  5. OMG you have corpse lilies? Wish you could share the smell when they bloom. I've never smelled that and maybe its not something I should wish to smell. I've planted sunflowers so far, love their cheery blooms, but nothing edible yet. I need to get on it.

    1. Oh, you've taken some lovely photographs of your sunflowers! And they are a wonderful food source for all kinds of critters. I actually have a jar of store bought seeds in my food pantry. ~grin~ As for my stinky flowers, it's sort of unfortunate that I planted them so close to my front door where I have a patio chair. I really didn't know what I bought years ago and when they first bloomed back then I thought a cat brought a stash of dead animals into my garden! I hope you are having a lovely day, my dear.

  6. You are putting me to shame! I haven't really got to grips with my garden yet this year apart from planting some garlic and year-round lettuce! Not exactly self-sufficiency...!

    1. Hey, that's great! And I honestly can't consider this self-sufficiency. Without garden centers I'd be helpless. ~rolls eyes~ Be well, my dear!

  7. Purple carrots sound interesting, as does the watermelon radish. At least you are keeping busy and not just sitting idle.

    Jingle Jangle Jungle

    1. Thank you, Mary. I really appreciate the encouragement. I'm pretty idle at the moment and should write, though at least I mowed and raked the lawn this morning. ~grin~


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