Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Bargain Buys, an Unexpected Neat Find, and the Golden Tooth

I popped into my local grocery chain store to pick up medications from the pharmacy and some food items. Upon entering, I discovered the unbelievable and repeating deal of buy one get two free (!) sleeves of soda. I gave up the stuff for the most part but the occasional can of ginger ale or Doctor Pepper are enjoyable.

Since my journey started at the pharmacy, however, I passed by the clearance shelves. And wow, did I score big. It’s a shame that many party planners passed up overpriced snack items. And I sometimes think many folks don’t realize these shelves exist along the back wall.

I do not care at all about American football
but this seasonal find is awesome.

My neatest find came about due to the fact I was trying to find a cheaper carton of eggs than what we usually purchase. These wheat free wraps are like pillow-soft flour tortillas. I ate two today, wrapping one around bacon and cheese and the other with cold fried chicken and lettuce.

I found these on sale, too;
otherwise, I may have to pass on them.

As for the golden tooth, it isn’t but should be. My husband’s twenty-one year old root canal failed and has an underlying infection. I figured he would just have it pulled at his advancing age. But I understand it’s about quality of life. Still, the cost of another root canal is around three thousand US dollars. And that’s after the other thousand dollar dental surgery he had on another tooth.
The front of this same grocer had shelves stocked with tasty pistachios at a way higher price...
To be petty and complain from within my happy household, I despair of ever traveling again. And I miss visiting North Carolina’s Outer Banks, a modest trip, really.

Do you make a point of checking clearance items, wherever you shop? And do you find yourself overlooking products new to you while shopping for staples?


  1. Some basic things such as detergent products etc are never discounted, but a lot of other supermarket goods are, and I look for them and I times I will walk out with a bag full of discounted items. Because, you know, I am terribly poor.

    1. I've been lucky to find laundry detergent for a buy one get one free sale (!) and probably have enough to last the rest of my life. lol Be well!

  2. I love the great fortune you had with things on sale. I look too. Many of the grocery stores here have things reduced but you will find them in their normal places, not separately. I have passed up pistachios hundreds of times as they are always marked ridiculously expensive to buy. You did very well.

  3. My jaw dropped at the cost of the root canal. Not having had one (whew!) I never dreamed it was that expensive.

    1. It has something to do with other issues, I guess. ~shrugs~ I voted the tooth get pulled. lol Whatever...

  4. You found cheap eggs, already cooked (the wraps). I love pistachios, what a find at that price! Tell your hubby $3000 is too much. The whole thing could be over and done with in twenty minutes with an extraction. You could celebrate with a trip to the outer banks, for less than one root canal.

  5. Good finds! These days everything is so expensive so we're always on the hunt for those bargains. Dental care sure is expensive!

    1. Thanks! And yes, it is, though I'm grateful we have good dental care available. Be well!

  6. Sorry about your hubby's tooth. Those are great bargains. I always look for a bargain. I never pass up a clearance area. I also have no interest in football, actually any sport unless my great nieces are playing in it. XO

  7. Fixing teeth is expensive. After my second cracked tooth, I sprung for dental insurance. So, of course I haven't had a problem since.

    Looking for bargains is great. I love our local Grocery Outlet. Do you have those near you?

    1. Of course. ~sigh~ We don't have Grocery Outlet stores here, but likely similar stores such as Gordon Food Service and Aldi offer some good deals. Be well

    2. Aldi is awesome. They definitely have some great deals.

  8. Yikes.. that is expensive!
    It depends on the time.. sometimes it's and in and out kind of trip but other times I like roaming the aisles looking for new and or healthy and cheap finds.

    1. I'm with you on time constraints and also my mood plays a role. :D Be well!

  9. Ooof, don't even get us started on the cost of dental care. Dad's mouth needs near constant attention and the ever skyrocketing costs are effing ridiculous. He and mom are always on the lookout for grocery bargains, especially produce items. Our local Giant store has a separate shelf often loaded with drastically reduced seconds that are perfect for them, plus, there are two Grocery Outlet Discount stores nearby where they always find great deals. It's not unusual for them to get to the checkout and find that the already low marked price is even lower when they get rung up.

    1. I'm so glad they've found some solutions to current price hikes. :D Be well, dear Smudge, and watch over your parents.

  10. I love clearance and have a tooth that is the second from the back, it has given me issues off and on for years now. Mostly, thank goodness, OFF. I talked to the dentist about it years ago and he said that it will need a root canal, he said it is a nerve damage thing going on. Who knows, but it has been well past 10 yrs. With that said, it is so far back there that I would be the only one to know it was gone, so pulling it is the way I will go.

  11. I always check clearance. Without exception.


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