Wednesday, February 26, 2025


Sharing on his blog about how different cultures dry their clean clothes, Andrew reminded me of helping my beloved maternal Grandma at the clothesline. It’s neat that Andrew and I shared similar childhood chores despite living on different continents.

Now I can almost envision Grandma’s old fashioned washer. It had a ringer, two rollers squeezing water from garments one at a time versus our modern spin cycle. I don’t recall if this was all electric or hand cranked.

An Older Model, for Sure;
Thanks go to the stock photographer
Strayer’s comment reminded me of Grandpa’s opinion of cut flowers. While I don’t begrudge folks who regularly enjoy flower bouquets, seeing blooms thrive on their living stems is my personal preference. Obviously, I make exceptions. ~sheepish grin~ This brings a very specific story to mind.

One summer, a neighbor girl insisted on harvesting some of Grandpa’s flowers. Her boorish nature weakened my timid protests. My grandfather emerged from the house spouting righteous indignation.

I burst into tears. What’s her name ran home.

After her shamed retreat my Grandpa expressed sorrow. He never blamed me but knew favoring his granddaughter could, as we would term it today, exacerbate a toxic relationship. My love for him grew even stronger that distant day.

How do you launder your clothes? Can you imagine trekking to a river with a washboard and clothes basket like so many hardworking souls (past and present) around the world?


Friday, February 21, 2025

Every Rose Has its Thorn

I went to the grocery store the other day to snag some relatively inexpensive half gallons of milk. The limit of five has restocked my freezer. That and some fresh produce were my main goals but I couldn’t resist the plethora of flower bouquets marked down following St. Valentine’s Day.

My husband approved my purchase since my birthday was a few days earlier and I asked for nothing special...

They aren’t as fragrant as those I recall from the 1980’s. In addition, a lot of petals landed on the floor while the thorny, dry woody stems made trimming them a chore. While roses are much cheaper now, I’d be angry if my full price bouquet rotted in under a week.

Do you purchase cut flowers? If so, did you know that a slanted knife cut allows the stems better water absorption than a scissor's pinch?

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Bargain Buys, an Unexpected Neat Find, and the Golden Tooth

I popped into my local grocery chain store to pick up medications from the pharmacy and some food items. Upon entering, I discovered the unbelievable and repeating deal of buy one get two free (!) sleeves of soda. I gave up the stuff for the most part but the occasional can of ginger ale or Doctor Pepper are enjoyable.

Since my journey started at the pharmacy, however, I passed by the clearance shelves. And wow, did I score big. It’s a shame that many party planners passed up overpriced snack items. And I sometimes think many folks don’t realize these shelves exist along the back wall.

I do not care at all about American football
but this seasonal find is awesome.

My neatest find came about due to the fact I was trying to find a cheaper carton of eggs than what we usually purchase. These wheat free wraps are like pillow-soft flour tortillas. I ate two today, wrapping one around bacon and cheese and the other with cold fried chicken and lettuce.

I found these on sale, too;
otherwise, I may have to pass on them.

As for the golden tooth, it isn’t but should be. My husband’s twenty-one year old root canal failed and has an underlying infection. I figured he would just have it pulled at his advancing age. But I understand it’s about quality of life. Still, the cost of another root canal is around three thousand US dollars. And that’s after the other thousand dollar dental surgery he had on another tooth.
The front of this same grocer had shelves stocked with tasty pistachios at a way higher price...
To be petty and complain from within my happy household, I despair of ever traveling again. And I miss visiting North Carolina’s Outer Banks, a modest trip, really.

Do you make a point of checking clearance items, wherever you shop? And do you find yourself overlooking products new to you while shopping for staples?

Thursday, February 6, 2025

A Very Productive Day and a Surprise Family Reunion

The first point is a long overdue post. On January 28th my husband needed a computer part replaced. Knowing this installation might take a few hours we wanted some diversion. I found the perfect place, Jungle Jim’s international market. He appreciated my idea; the man adores different foods.

Not only did driving surface roads prove easy but I discovered a branch of our new Internet service provider therein. My guy’s honorary military discharge grants some small discounts. This latest requiring in-person verification, we expected another road trip until that day.

We also replenished favorite foods. The shrimp chips were too pricey, as were many items. Various dried noodles are a different story. Despite the recommended shelf life, most types don’t spoil for a long while.

We also stocked up on pickled herring. It’s in the German section.

On that note, my brother and I planned a meeting with our spouses at a German style sausage house in Columbus, Ohio last Sunday. The distance is almost perfectly halfway between our residences.

What stores do you frequent? Does your grocer offer international products?
