Monday, October 7, 2024

Old Timers Moving On – & – an Apology

First, I want to let our blogger friend Strayer know that her tireless work is much appreciated. I’m sorry that no web browser I’ve tried will let me comment today. ~rolls eyes~ Be that way, Google…

So, anyway, my husband and I moved into our home in 1994. We bought a flat screen television that year, an expensive investment. Years ago we planned on buying a high definition unit when the old Sony died. But it’s hung on all these decades (!) and weighs more than we can now lift together.

Together deciding we would finally replace it, my husband did excellent research. He discovered a unit that fit our living space and even the old stand (!), whose own heavy components I assembled.

Before this new Samsung arrived we needed to clear space and contacted 1-800-JUNK. These crews don’t just haul things to a garbage dump, they donate/recycle everything possible; I’ve seen their work on shows about hoarders.

This super kind and competent duo gave a fair estimate, we agreed, and they quickly loaded up a broken treadmill, miscellaneous outdated electronic devices, plus the dinosaur television. This all happened a day earlier than expected, mere hours after our new TV was delivered.

Impressed by their service, my husband added a tip to the reasonable fee. And I made sure to leave a good review. Even our cat Dandelion was happy because the guys doted on her while the twins hid.

The way things worked out is awesome,
and "Titan AE" looks amazing...

Can you believe our receiver has since died? How lucky are we that the television has decent sound?



  1. You held on to that TV for a long time. Do you like your new TV? Is it internet enabled? Were you able to stream TV before? Enjoy.

  2. Dearest Darla,
    What a coincidence THAT is.
    Well, your TV did reach old age and what a great way of recycling via 1-800-JUNK!
    But it ought to be easy to replace your receiver...
    Mariette + Kitties

  3. I assumed they would be pricey. I may have to call them one of these days. Glad you got a new tv. XO

  4. I had one of those heavy TV's and ours lasted way too long too!

  5. That does sound like good service by those who collected the old tv. I think I've seen vans here with that phone number. It is not until you buy a new tv do you notice how much tvs constantly improve and how poor the picture on your old screen had become.

  6. Glad to see that you got a good service provider to move your old stuff out. We too are thinking of changing our TV. So many options nowadays. Technology is advancing at such a rapid pace.

    1. Technological advancement is almost scary. Be well!

  7. We have a pool table that needs to go, although the cats use it as their own personal playground. It just takes up so much room!
    The Hubby claims he is figuring out a new TV for us, but we are stymied because I watch so little TV, and he's not sure he wants to download apps.

    1. We have both a pool table and ping pong table left by the former homeowners. We should have them hauled off, now that you mention it, because I just have them covered with stuff while others might well enjoy them. :D I hope you resolve this quandary.

  8. I'm glad this worked out so well for you. Customer service is so very important to the success of a company. Bravo. Love your new television and the both of you can move it very easily. We had a huge and heavy television before the lightweight one we have now. Enjoy.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Hugs. ♥


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