Thursday, October 3, 2024

Keeping Busy – & – Keeping it Local

I wish my husband wasn’t so adamant about following current events. He considers it his duty to track the status of human conflict. I have no idea why.

Sometimes I try blocking out whatever bad news he’s hearing by lying on the bed with my fan on high for white noise, often with a cat or two (or even all three). He doesn’t understand the level of my futile empathy, though, evidenced by later regurgitating stuff I didn’t need or want to know.

My defenses against pointless anxiety and depression are, as stated first, keeping busy. My summer gardening provided much relief, as do cooking and baking. To his credit, he praises all my efforts.

What he also misunderstands is how, an equal introvert by nature, I’ll speak to strangers hoping to spread a little joy. I’ll compliment a person’s appearance, comment on trivial matters, or simply smile at their children. My favorite tactic is spreading laughter.

Oftentimes I say, “Excuse me” after bumping into a person or obstructing his or her path.

The most common friendly response these days is, “You’re okay.”

To that I gravely reply, “No, I’m not.”

It never fails to elicit at least a small chuckle. And some amused folks agree with my comedic sentiment.

Are folks around you mostly polite or more on the rude side? When others apologize by saying, “I’m sorry,” should I look them from head to toe and reply, “Yes, you are.”



  1. Well, as I am most often around teenagers...
    I'm with you on the empathy front. I can't deal with hearing about the suffering of others. Certain things (the Holocaust) actually make me physically ill (a migraine trigger). Perhaps if you appealed to your husband's care for you and told him those things make you ill, that might help?

    1. Teenagers, yeah... lol And I'm sorry you get migraines; Holocaust images/stories bring me to tears. Ugh... As for my husband, bless his heart, he lost the hearing in one ear. When I'm sitting nearby he asks if something is too loud but it doesn't occur to him when I'm across the house. Thanks for your kind words and suggestion.

  2. We are very English is the politeness stakes. If someone walks into us, we will both apologise. It is nice to speak to strangers and I always react positively when someone speaks to me, but I rarely initiate anything.

  3. I love your side mission in life. That's awesome. Let's go on a trip and plant catnip everywhere next spring? Maybe sunflowers and poppies too?

    1. I love it! Hugs and best wishes, my dear. On a side note, you'll be amused by a video I'm about to share.

  4. You be you, and everyone else can go pound sand!
    The Hubby is too involved with stuff on TV, news, sports, wars...
    I can't take it all in, and I refuse to, so if the TV or radio is on, I put in my earbuds and listen to an audiobook.
    Most people I come across are polite and smiling.
    Except when on the freeway, then it's like The Wild West.

    1. Thanks! :D And be safe out there, my dear.

  5. Dearest Darla,
    My Pieter and I have always been on the very same page with everything and guess that made our love strong and fireproof!
    Empathy is one of our best traits as we are not in this life and in this world ALONE!
    Gratitude is another strong one.

    1. I'm so sorry your wonderful Pieter is gone. ~hugs~ Our decades long relationship astonishes folks, which is a sad statement.

  6. round these here part’s it’s everyone for their self, and rude is the word of the day, 24/7365‼️

  7. My hubby is watching the news right now and I am on here to ignore it. I find many people rude lately, especially when I go to Walmart. You are someone I would love to bump into when out shopping. :) XO

  8. Pretty much most people are polite here. but the ones that aren't really, really aren't.

    1. I understand your point. Of late, I'm trying to tell myself this person might be having the worst day of his or her life.

  9. Well, all I can say is that the people around us here (with very, very few exceptions) are NOT as friendly as those we encountered while living in North Carolina. If anything, it's made all three of us steer clear of humans more than ever. Oh, and to those who'd say "If you don't like it, why don't you move back down there?", dad says the thought fills his brain every waking moment. I'm thinking it may have something to do with the BMWs, Teslas, Volvos, Mercedes Benzs, Audis and even Bentleys we're surrounded by. No offense to anyone, of course.

    1. One town over is reportedly much more rude and snobbish. ~shakes head~ Life is too short. And on that note, I'm glad you're safe from the terrible hurricane devastation. Much love to you and your humans, sweet Smudge.

  10. heer in TT, de rool oh de day, everee day, iz: itz all bout me and eye will be az rood az can bee ~~~~

    1. and de gurl meenz knot reel lee IN...trout towne...coz trout townez all bout catz..... =^..^=

  11. Hey, let me start with the laughter comment. My moto for life the last ten years or so has been and will cont to be~ Laugh Often, Laugh Hard, Laugh Loud. I believe that laughter is some of the best meds around. My girls help me with the laughter when it is just me and them hanging at home. Now for the rudeness of people. I am finding that its about 1/2 and 1/2 and it depends on the day or place also. With that said, I find the rudest are in the grocery store or retail stores. Its like their mission is to get in and get what they need and to hell with who they bump, stop in front of to look at their phone, or step off in front of you. Then its best that I don't even start on the rude drivers!!!! I will leave that with this, one day I might just let them hit me!! haha...As for hubs, I would say that I miss having that certain someone to lean on, but with that said, my hubs was not really one for leaning on or maybe it was me, I did not want to lean. But with age, I find it would be nice. Problem is, not sure I would actually like having that lean on living with me!! lol....I have been living without a special live in someone since I was 32. Yikes, that is forever ago. I am almost 65 now. I have been in some long relationships, been asked to marry twice but, I saw no reason to take on other peoples issues and madness when I had my own!! lol....As for tracking human conflict, I keep up with what is happy, however, since I avoid the news, I might even be a few days learning about things happening. I make that choice to avoid the news most days, too much conflict, madness, hate, killing, robberies, and etc. Now, my daughter is a weather nerd. Nerd might not be the right word, but she is on top of what is coming, what is happening and reports it all to mom, even if mom already knows. lol....Yep, a loud fan would work great for tuning out someone.

    1. I adore your long posts and save them for last, like a treat. :D News put in a humorous form is easier for me, such as by Louder With Crowder. lol Hugs and blessings, my dear.

  12. WOW....what a long reply that was

  13. I have moments of interest and moments when I just want to hide underneath a rock. It's so bad out there and it take a toll on my health when I get too involved.

    1. I'd like to engineer a huge cave for us folks disgusted with the world. :D


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