Sunday, September 26, 2021

Are You Still Here?

The lovely Strayer amused me by pronouncing that her more feral charges prefer she leave the house daily. That reminded me of my last office job. Most truck drivers and many coworkers wanted to stop and chat, perhaps not understanding my need to concentrate. Many workdays left me mentally exhausted. I’d return home craving solo exercise time and fiction writing.

Meanwhile my husband worked from home. Upon my return he’d talk nonstop wanting to share this or that. It got to the point I sometimes stayed late writing on a company computer, personal documents then saved via thumb drive. Third shift employees found me amusing. So did my understanding husband once I confessed. Heh…

Not us, thank heaven...

Do you have similar stories or childhood recollections of this domestic conundrum?



  1. Working full time after The Hubby retired was great; we'd only have to spent the weekends together, and sometimes not even then. Working from home through a monkey wrench into that, but my office is upstairs, and he stays downstairs, so we've been able to keep from being too much in each other's company.

  2. LOL! We all need alone time. Cats, humans, probably every living thing craves some silence and alone time. You are funny, staying late at work for some of that precious peace.

    1. You are wise. And I'm glad to have given you a chuckle.

  3. Hubby and I worked well together while we were still employed and now that we're retired we still work well together. We do both have our alone time each day. It's a good thing. I've never really needed time away from hubby.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Darla. Big hug. ♥

  4. We both worked a lot of hours back in the day and I used to travel lots. We talked more on the phone that we did in person many times.

    1. Interesting. Phone conversations back in the day for us were expensive but enjoyable. Heh...

  5. I am lucky that my hubby and I both need a lot of quiet time. Although now that he is retired, he does talk more. :) XO

  6. haha...NOPE. I am usually that office person that will stop and talk to you!! HAHA....Or I used to be. Course I used to get to work most days just before the clock buzzed that said she should already be there. UNTIL I went to work for the TBI. I was able to get there at 730 and leave at 4, same with the school. Course with the TBI they let me work through my lunch and leave an hour earlier. So I always got in there and did what I needed to do. As for not wanting to go home...I was always ready to get there!! But with that said, my hubs worked different hours out of the house. I do love my alone time and for someone that always went, went and kept going, that is strange for me to be good at home with my furs.

  7. Not childhood memories. But I have experienced something similar. It's because I have had to attend to some domestic chores. So I have taken personal work to office, and complete it there!

    1. Interesting. This sounds like you have things worked out well, my wise friend.

  8. I understand completely. With all I have had in the house, human-wise through the years I had my ways as well. Sometimes you just need NOTHING to interrupt your tuned-out pleasure.

  9. OH my goodness yes. I had a career that took most of my waking hours...really. And the family knew that and gave me a little time.


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