Sunday, August 28, 2022

Good Eats

The other day I referenced GBD and, as Snowbrush guessed, it’s a cooking show term. GBD refers to golden, brown, and delicious. Alton Brown’s “Good Eats”, where I learned this shorthand, ran for fourteen seasons. I enjoyed this show’s combination of humor, docu-drama, and science.
Bonus Footage....

Have you ever seen Alton Brown’s various productions? What do you think of my carrot?


Thursday, August 18, 2022

Reviving Leftovers

Several days ago I cooked up tortellini soup using garden fresh Swiss chard and tomatoes with homemade chicken stock. My husband continues enjoying bowl after bowl. I can’t stomach any more, with or without added hot sauce and cheese.

This afternoon he asked, “How about a simple pasta night?”
My mind in overdrive, I went silently to work.

I first drizzled pasta sauce in a casserole dish, added a single layer of well drained tortellini soup mixture, and spooned over more spicy Arrabbiata. Copious quality parmesan shredded atop, filled in with the canned stuff, it all baked for fifteen minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Finding the casserole bubbling hot, I moved up the oven rack to broil on low for several minutes, checking often to prevent burning. Once that oily cheese formed a light golden crust, out it came for a short rest.

He was impressed. I am proud. We are both thrilled. No slippery noodles and fussy layering needed, this is an inexpensive lasagna style meal rivaling anything we’ve eaten before.
Golden Brown & Delicious

Are you familiar with the American cook’s shorthand for golden brown and delicious, GBD? Do you have a favorite use for leftover food?


Sunday, August 14, 2022

Creature Feature

For the first time, I found monarch butterfly caterpillars on a milkweed plant. The tall perennial isn’t particularly attractive and that’s okay.
I collected some seeds and gave them to an interested neighbor passing by. Meanwhile, my husband found this informational article from the US Forest Service.

Did you know that releasing commercially grown butterflies can disrupt useful studies of the struggling natural population? Would you visit one of their famous overwintering sites?


Saturday, August 6, 2022

Naptime for the Sisters

Doing laundry today, I found Terra sleeping in my clothes basket atop our bed while Polly lay nearby. When I came through later, Terra had moved so they could touch. I retrieved my clothes basket and enjoyed a ~squee~ moment.

I’m still not good at photographing these two and it doesn’t help that my comforter is almost all black. But they stayed in place, which I call a win.
My Cuteness Overload for the Day...

Of course, they didn’t stay completely still. Or at least Terra didn’t.

Photo Fail - Terra just had
to stretch her toes...

I have a question for others owned by housecats; do you often see kitty standing on three legs while scratching around his/her ear with a back paw? Since these girls are the only ones seen ever doing this in our home, do you think this proclivity could be genetic?


Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Polly’s Follies – 9

In financial news, Polly-nesian Airlines took a beating in the stock market today. Founder and CEO, Polly Esther Dactyl, refused comment despite allegations of going into a Godzilla style rampage on her latest failure.

Fortunately, no employees were reported injured during the prototype jet’s destruction. Her feline defense team also declined our requests for an interview.

Video footage is available for those of you not disturbed by carnage. Now back to you, Felicia, for the latest weather report.

On a serious note, what’s the weather like where you live?
