Friday, September 14, 2018

A Deserved Dressing Down?

This morning my partner gave me a serious glower over a simple observation. ~grin~ I apologize in advance (especially to Liz A.) but I have to share that exchange. I’ll let you decide if the response was deserved or not.

All I did was look out our bedroom window to check on this beautiful orb-weaver web and say, “Oh, look. The spider grabbed a protein shake on the fly.”


Whether I deserved a frown in reply or not, I have noticed tremendous proliferation of life this summer. Dragon- and butterflies in particular flitter about everywhere I go. Yesterday yet another fishing spider appeared in my basement. This one is a smaller male but still formidable looking.

I have decided that comforting old adage told me by my parents is a lie. That thing is not more afraid of me than I am of it. Wish me luck he’s moved on before my next laundry day.

Do you see lots of insects during a typical summer?



  1. ANTS... lots and lots of ANTS! And as I have quoted before I think they are planning and plotting to take over the world!!!!! In the past I usually have lots of spiders in the house as we live with brown recluse in this area but the last few yrs I don’t see hardly any. Butterflies I have noticed seem to be dropping down the last few yrs also, course that could have something to do with the amount of flowering plants I don’t seem to have. And of course we all know the flight of the bees. Anyway, not so much on the bugs....only ANTS plotting to take over the world!!! Thanks on the comment of the fall plaques. I had gotten a small table from a friend that needed more love then I was willing to give it so I took it apart. I used the small drawer for a project and those pieces I used for both plaques were drop down leafs on each side. I still have the legs and the center part to play with. Maybe now that I am feeling more normal again I will get some projects down,I have a few in the shed I am saving for cooler months.

  2. I'm so glad you're feeling a bit better! Good news. And let's hope the winter drives down the ant population. Ugh... We have brown recluse here, too. I always knock my gardening shoes and gloves against the concrete before donning them. Happy Crafting!

    1. Used to have a house full of the recluse but I actually think they have moved on. I live on a creek....actually it runs right next to the drive and the drive right next to the house and I think maybe snakes help keep the spiders down...course I have noticed Lily is pretty good at hunting but what I notice more about that is the bugs that fly in at night when I open the door to let the King out! I was bitten many, many yrs ago by a recluse. Was not pretty but I caught the issue ASAP and with meds I was able to stop the flow of poison from doing a lot of damage however I did have to see a a surgeon to remove dead flesh. Haha...the funny, got me on the cheek....the cheek of my ASS. So no damage to be seen by others!

    2. You poor dear! You've endured more health issues than I can imagine.

  3. We are on a boat much of the time and there are spiders everywhere. At home it's ants. Thankfully this year they have not been in the house, but hubby has found lots of ant hills. They moved too.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Darla. Big hug. ♥

    1. Thank you for stopping by! I hope you're safely enjoying your cruise. Be well!

  4. Oh yes, it is a constant bug battle her in the South!

  5. Oh, yikes, but the spiders eliminate a lot of other bugs at least. At least they're useful to us, so outside they get to stay sometimes. Until they don't get to stay.

  6. I agree, they are so beneficial. That's why I leave these guys alone. If he weren't on the drain pipe we'd place a cup on top and carry the guy outside with an envelope or something to trap him. Be well, my dear!

  7. This summer and last summer were so smokey we didn't get to sit out on our deck enough to know what the insect situation was. We are fortunate not to have mosquitoes! Even on hot summer nights when I leave the French doors from my bedroom open I have never heard a single buzz. Very lucky that way.
    I think in general we have fewer insects than in our old house. We are closer to open areas and forests, so I think we have more predators, even those that eat bugs! Bats maybe. The only spiders that get in the house (or my room because of the open doors) are cellar spiders (aka "daddy long legs," but that name belongs to an actual type of insect, not spider), which are harmless and barely move. The cats jump around for them, so I put them out (the spiders, not the cats who are not allowed out!).
    Now... if you asked about Spring... EARWIG INVASION!

    Oh, the pun? Some people like them, some don't. But, aren't they supposed to elicit a groan and a frown? My oldest is a punster.

    1. So sorry about the smoke. That's funny about your kitties, not so much the earwigs. Ugh...

      And yeah. ~grin~ I earned it.

  8. That was a great joke :) I like to think dragonflies are loved ones visit us. Have you read the poem, The Legend of the Dragonfly? If not, you should :)

    1. I'm glad you liked it. I'll have to check out that poem. Thank you!

  9. Hiss...

    I've seen a lot of dragonflies this summer. And butterflies. Lots of flying critters. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

    1. Hahahaha...

      I think it's a good thing. ~grin~ Of course, I could be wrong. And maybe Pam Jackson is right about them taking over, especially her local ants. Heh...


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