Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Breaking Convention

Since childhood I've had a tendency to buck convention. It didn’t matter if the cool high school kids talked during study hall. I preferred to have my evenings free for more interesting pursuits like blasting Ozzy Osbourne or sneaking out to see my boyfriend.

(I blame you, dear Liz A., for the remembrance of my school days. Thanks for sharing your stories of substitute teaching and more)

Nowadays I might leave my Christmas tree up an extra month or so because I got it set up late. This year, I had a Halloween display on my mantle through New Year’s because those things made an appearance just days before October thirty-first. Don't blame me, though, I asked for help bringing up boxed decorations and got none. Then puppy dog eyes at mention of putting my haunted house away set the tone.

All that brings me to now. My kitchen island is home to a vintage cookie jar and another oldie-but-goodie, an aged ceramic turkey. Yes, I have had the little guy out for a few months. To my credit, I only got the piece this year after my father cleaned out the old homestead before selling.

Things got moved around a little the other evening to make room for the deep fryer. And then, thinking I should wrap up and store the turkey, I saw this:

Don't the Kittens Look Wary Observing the Bird? Cracked My Simple Self Up
What unwritten rules of the adult world do you like to break?



  1. AS MANY AS I CAN! haha...I think you have seen things I have made or the mouse hole painted on the wall, the vine painted in the crack of sidewalk or the springs from a baby bed for hanging pots on! I love doing what makes me happy! Don't like, don't look at it! haha.....Love the cookie jar. I have an adorable clown one that a friend picked up at an estate sale and gave me. I keep it on top of my fridge and I see it every time I go in there. Might move it to the counter if I get up the energy to move today.........maybe, maybe....maybe not! haha

    1. I wish the cold weather weren't so hard on you. ~hugs~ Thanks for making me smile!

  2. That is cute :) Christmas 2016, I put up a Let it Snow shower curtain and kept it up through all 4 seasons. :)

    1. I'm glad you approve. And oh, wow. I totally forgot the shower curtain in the hall bathroom. It's totally Halloween. ~grin~ Oops.

  3. You are adorable. Bill and I do things like the kitten-turkey confrontation. Yeah, we are weird, too. Hugs!

    1. We are related, I swear. ~hugs~ Hope you're having a great day!


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