Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Cheerful Nihilism

A Facebook friend of mine, whom I’ve known for years through a fanfiction website, shared a post from a group called Cheerful Nihilism. Enjoying the black humor I couldn’t help noting a typo. ‘Though’ should have been ‘through’.

Bless Amanda’s heart, she ‘corrected’ it for me. And she remarked that reading friends’ stories checking for errors makes it hard not to notice them. I had to smile even wider.

Does this make you feel better or worse?



  1. Does it make me feel better when I am corrected...yes. Unless it is done in a smart ass I know better then you way! haha....My problem is I type it out and then I never go back and reread it to be sure I have it all correct. Auto correct on the phone gets me a lot of times and I hit send before reading....some things turn out really funny that way.

    1. Great answer! I honestly was thinking about the acerbic quote when I asked the question. ~grin~ Be well!

  2. Seems to me that advice like the quote isn't helpful when you're feeling down, but when you're feeling pretty good, it's a good thing to ponder.

  3. As a realist, I see this as fact: It is what it is. I would have found different words than "meat-coated skeleton", though. As a poet, I seek a more creative way to convey that. And, like you, errors are just unacceptable. It takes wind out of sails. It steers the ship away from credibilty and validity. But...that's me. *wink* HUGS, my friend.

    1. You would relay this with beauty, for sure. ~hugs back~ Be well!

  4. Replies
    1. Aw, hope I didn't bring you down! ~hugs~ Be well.

  5. That's a pretty darn good description of existence! I love it!


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