Monday, January 13, 2025

Only Me

This year I supported a Youtube content creator by purchasing his page-a-day calendar about animals. Mamadou Ndiaye’s Casual Geographic clips are both witty and educational.

Dumb me, I bought a 2024 version. I decided not to let this bother me as the snippets remain enjoyable.


Do you enjoy nature shows? Is there one particular animal you most appreciate?


  1. I love any animal in the cat family. :) XO

    1. I'm shocked, shocked I tell you. ~giggle~ Best wishes, my dear.

  2. Whoops. I'm surprised it was still on sale, though. You'd think he wouldn't offer it still. Let's see... There'll be another calendar year like 2024... 2030. That year will be the same from March through December. If that helps ;)

    1. That's funny about 2030. And I fear that some scammer took advantage of his Internet status. ~sigh~ We have to double check everything these days, from food labels to suspiciously titled 'news' articles.

  3. I'm with Ellen. I love my animals in kitties.

    Have a fabulous day. Hugs. ♥

    1. But you're missing out on 'flying' snakes and tapeworms. ~giggle~ Yup, he's covered these two besides tigers. Hugs, my dear.

  4. I don't normally sit and watch animal shows, but I did recently see a show called, "The Day the Earth Changed" was about animals and how the world changed for them during COVID. It was really cool to see how they thrived as we stayed in. Its crazy.

    1. That sounds like an interesting watch. Thanks for sharing. :D

  5. That calendar gave dad quite a chuckle. We're with Ellen and Sandee- Cats it is!

  6. eye think it mite bee all fish, dolphin N whale ;) ♥♥♥ mackerull =^,,^=

  7. oh no about the 2024 mis purchase.. but nice to learn a few new tidbits.

  8. O, you missed out on a year of the calendar!
    But as you said, the snippets are still enjoyable. Maybe you can find a way to repurpose it in some way.
    Take care, Darla.

    1. You take care, as well, my dear. I could use the backside of each page for notes. lol Thanks for the kind words.

  9. O, you missed out on a year of the calendar.
    But as you said, the snippets are still enjoyable. Maybe you can find a way to repurpose it in some way.
    Take care, Darla.

  10. I love them all.I will watch all good shows about them. My fave are cats of course but..all are interesting and all have me glued to the screen for the entire thing.


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