Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Busy, Busy

I apologize for falling behind on blogging to the point of failing to publish comments. ~hangs head~ The reasons are good, though, as my husband has been staying up later so we can enjoy Youtube videos and even a movie. Before all that, I spend time daily with vegetable garden preparations and miscellaneous yard work. Planning to relax while my husband napped, I found this cutie...

Starting seeds has proven successful, too. We hope to see large crops of peppers, tomatoes, and (fingers crossed) those expensive dusky blue pumpkins I saw last fall.

And there’s more good news. My husband is doing so much better that we went to the gigantic international grocery store Jungle Jim’s. As long as we kept moving his remaining pain/tingling in his left thigh wasn’t a problem. In fact, I was ready to check out when he suggested it.

Yet it wasn’t due to my annoying little pains. They have pretty much vanished (!) which I think in part is due to his ability to help out more. Driving had been irritating my shoulder blade - not today, despite forty minutes behind the wheel.

I plan to get caught up reading others’ blogs within the next several days. Meanwhile, posting comments on my own remains a struggle. Oh, well. At least we still have the platform. I’d miss the virtual friends made over the years.

Can you think of a way we could stay in touch when blogging platforms are gone? Should we each set up a sort of newsletter and email them to one another?



  1. I am glad your hubby is doing better, and you too, that's really good news. It sure is easy to get behind on blog visiting.

  2. I am glad things are finally turning around for you and your hubby. I hope your garden is prolific. Cute toad. I hope blogging platforms stay around for a long time, but we will need a new way to stay in touch. XO

  3. Love the frog. Cute.

    That's a great question. I have lots if blogging buddies addresses, but not all. We should set up something to keep in touch.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. Hugs. ♥

    1. We'll have to figure out something for the future. Hugs, my dear.

  4. Dearest Darla,
    So glad to hear that your husband is doing so much better!
    Being in constant pain is a struggle and one that I'm facing now daily as my caretaker is gone.
    Maybe one day, after gaining enough weight that will go down—I'm praying hard for it.
    Blogging with like minded people is very positive! Emailing each other is different and kind of spammy and will clog up each other's mail without being read!
    Mariette + Kitties

    1. I will definitely add you to my prayer list, my dear. Blessings and hugs to you and yours.

  5. Life gets busy sometimes. I'm glad your pain is lessening, too. Blogging will likely be replaced with something, like vlogging or other social media like the former Twitter.

  6. The frog is interesting. I've not seen one with that colouring before.
    You'll both be running marathons soon by the sound of it.
    I don't think blogging will die quickly. If the platform disappears, people will transfer to WordPress.

  7. I worked in the grocery industry for over 30 years and we took a trip out to Jungle Jim's one time to look at the store and their marketing. Very cool store!

  8. Oh I love the newsletter email idea! But boy, mine would be so long.....long.....long! You know, I pretty much never have a time where I don't have something to post about! And yes, since I take a lot of pics, there are always those to share. I can also blog and share a story about any small event in my life like making bread to the large events like...moving. Now you have me thinking how I could condense it all into one newsletter! lol....glad you and hubs are doing better. I for one love the days that the pain is not so bad that I can get things done. Prob is, its not always pain that limits me cause with my pain issue comes a lot of fatigue. With all that said, one day of a trip to the chiro, I pay the next. Its good to get the body to stop living in the fight mode all the time but its the issue of getting to that point and the adjustments that it takes to get me there.....anyway, sorry, did not mean to hi jack your blog and make it about me!! lol...I was cutting grass last week and tiny frogs were jumping all over, then all of a sudden there was a BIG one. I love watching all critters. Thank you always on your positive comments on the blog.

    1. You're most welcome to tell about yourself in the comment section. I enjoy reading them. ~nods~ Hugs, my dear.

  9. I think about that too, because, like Windows Movie Maker, which I loved so dearly, blogger may suddenly vanish. I still think about the fun I had with Windows Movie Maker. Why, oh why did they...I need to move on.

  10. Well, Darla, me and dad are so glad to hear that you and the hubby are doing better these days and we hope it keeps up. Nobody in this household really has a green thumb, and we don't have any place for a garden even if we did. Dad's been getting his fill of green these past few weeks now that he's taken on the boss's mowing. Yesterday he topped out his step counter for all time- he managed almost 30,000 steps and 12.1 miles just from mowing and walking around the property. He and mom set 10,000 as their daily average. No wonder I always hear him bitching about his hip, back, knee and what all else. Hope your weekend is warm and pleasant. Oh, and we're right there with you on the blogging time thingy. Always.

    1. Thank you for the kind words. :) But you should be grateful, daddy gripes aside, because your loving parents provide a comfy princess lifestyle. ~shakes finger~ I'd give you plenty of scritches, regardless, if I could. Perhaps we should plan a meet-up somehow. Then again, these three spoiled kitties haven't spent a single night without at least one human servant.

      Wouldn't it be cool to have a bloggers' conference like novel writers host?

  11. Hi Darla, I can fully relate to the lack of time. I keep falling behind the blogging schedule. I think it's fine.
    Blogging will not disappear. Even if it does, there are so many other ways we all can keep in touch. A group email is one option.


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