Friday, February 14, 2020

Updated – Growing Pains

This morning my husband worked on my laptop, replacing Microsoft Word 2003 with 2007. The layout is different but I am adjusting. Blogging, however, has become trickier. Simple copying and pasting no longer transfers any text formats.

The ’07 version offers blog templates but I took a look and declined to register. After all, what are the odds this is still being supported by Microsoft? Instead, I gave up trying to save my recent switch to the Comic Sans MS font and tweaked letter sizing.

What do you think? Does it look okay?



  1. I looks just fine. There are always those adjustments when there are updates. It won't be anytime at all and you're be in the swing. Amazing how that works.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Happy Valentines Day my friend. ♥

  2. It's bigger. Nothing wrong with it.

    There is a way to transfer fonts using HTML. I think. I've always just used Blogger's templates as I find that easier, and it's cleaner on the HTML page (which I tweak from time to time if something isn't coming out right).

    1. Thank you for the feedback and tips. I appreciate you taking the time.

  3. Looks good. Happy Valentine's Day!

  4. It looks good. I don't know why Comic Sans seems so hated. It's my favorite font. I so much still miss Windows Movie Maker. I quit with making youtube videos after it vanished from Windows. I am still in mourning.

    1. I agree about the font. And I'm sorry for the loss of Movie Maker. ~hugs~ That stinks.

  5. Looks good from our end of things.

  6. I was wondering why suddenly the text was looking bigger!
    I like Comic Sans font. Many years ago, I had that for my blog. This is also fine.

    1. How nice to know another fan of that font. ~grin~ And thank you for the feedback.


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