Sunday, February 17, 2019

A Sinking Feeling or: How I Learned to Keep Worrying and Hate the Mattress

See at Bottom an Explanation of the Russian Ambassador's Expression...

I suppose hate is a strong word. Oh, and please forgive the bad homage to “Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb”. That movie never gets tiresome.

As for the sinking feeling, our memory foam seems to have forgotten its purpose. I think the idea is to keep me in bed, not dump me to the floor.

That happened with Jezebel the cat tucked against my hip when my cell phone, on the far side of the nightstand, rang. Busy writing, I first ignored it, then got a voicemail alert that always proves too distracting. So I leaned over, attempting not to disturb Jezzy, and that whole edge of the mattress sank under my elbow.

She, of course, moved away while I struggled against cracking my skull upon the furniture. Good thing we have a sturdy headboard. And I’m thankful to have been alone. Going viral as an Internet gif is not on my wish list.

But have you seen those commercials in which a woman jumps up and down on a memory foam bed and a full glass of wine at the foot sits motionless?

Lies. All lies.

Earlier that same morning, I woke up at 4am to use the bathroom. That is not normal for me, blessed with strong bladder control. But my husband tossing and turning jolted me to the point even my brain started sloshing.

I can’t blame him, though. My tendency for heavy sleep has been disturbed. After the decimation of my tropical fish tank and the failure of multiple aquarium heaters (???), stress over keeping those few survivors alive through wild water temperature fluctuations woke me every few hours.

To this day I have mild panic attacks just turning on my new digital thermometer. Changing tank water on Friday tested my heart, let me tell you. I hope that by springtime the tendency to overreact to every little thing will have faded.

Have you ever seen “Dr. Strangelove?” Did you know that Peter Sellers cracking up his fellow cast members resulted in the scene (at top), meant to be lit brighter, being filmed in heavy shadow?



  1. We tried the memory foam and didn't like it. Oh well, it's not for everyone. I did chuckle with our account of the voicemail, the cat and your aerobics. I hate it when that happens.

    I don't think I've seen that movie. Probably not or I would remember. Not much for movies am I?

    Have a fabulous day and week. Big hug. ♥

  2. I'm glad to have made you chuckle. We are movie fanatics here. Hope you have a great week, my dear.

  3. Replies
    1. Sorry the translation doesn't work on your page but the music is cool! Be well.

  4. Got to be careful. Don't want to crack your head open. Yikes.

    No, I've never seen Dr. Strangelove.

    1. Hee hee. I know, right? Glad you survived your home catastrophe! But I'm sorry you've never seen the movie.

  5. I have not seen that movie. I have seen those commercials, good to know we are not missing out on anything with that kind of mattress. I am jealous of your bladder control. I get up a minimum of 3 times a night.

    1. Three times a night? Oh, no! Wish we could check out the film together.

  6. Never seen Dr Strangelove but I am sure there are a lot of docs out there that like STRANGE LOVE...haha....could not let it go. As for memory foam beds, I have heard they are not worth the money. I love a good soft mattress just not too soft that you sink all the way down but it can't be firm, it has to give with my body cause of the Fibro. Well glad you did not hit your head or fling the cat from the bed while you tried to keep from falling.

    1. Thanks. You made me laugh while sorry for your condition at the same time. ~hugs~ Be well.

  7. This post cracked me up! I've often wondered about memory foam mattresses and how well they work.

    1. I'm so glad! I wish we'd stayed with a traditional bed, now. ~nods~ What can you do? I liked it for a time.

  8. I have not seen that movie but Peter Sellers is fabulous. I loved Being There.

    1. I don't think I've seen that one! Thanks for the mention. Be well, my dear.

  9. I have never had a memory foam bed or pillow- but I have wondered about them. Sounds like they can be trickier than I thought. :) Glad you didn't get too hurt- or go viral.

    1. Yeah. It's not all it's cracked up to be. Thanks for the kind sentiments!

  10. I love that movie, could watch it over and over again!!! I didn't know that about the scene, but one might guess cracking up might be a given around Peter Sellers, with such a script. I hate commercial lying about products. SUE the company who made that commercial for dishonesty!!!

    1. Wish we could watch together! Peter Sellers was a treasure. I don't have the energy for litigation. Heh... Be well!


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