Sunday, June 7, 2015

The 90 Day Novel

I'm so excited to have joined a daily novel workshop created and published by author Alan Watt - "The 90 Day Novel". Some friendly local authors will be meeting weekly during this summer project, and now I'm actually facilitating the workshop online!

This is a new venture for me. It's my hope to encourage creativity in others as well as to write a complete novel length manuscript over the next three months. Whatever happens, I like the idea of getting on the page and having fun telling story.

Thankfully, I have an emotionally safe place for my debut facilitation. The Writer Zen Garden has been my online home for many years now. The people are talented, open-minded, and generous. Let's hope I do right by them.

It helps that Alan Watt seems to have the same gentle approach to creativity as Julia Cameron. And my beloved Zen Garden forum group has not only invited me to join in on Ms. Cameron's various workshops but encouraged me to guest host one. Writing some of those essays gave me a little experience, at least.

Do you have any exciting plans over the coming months?



  1. That's fantastic! I want to write novels but have never really figured out how to do it, or to publish afterwards. Maybe its time I try. Have you done so?

    1. Thank you! I actually have written over fifty thousand words towards manuscripts during National Novel Writing Month but never ended up with something I wanted to polish. It is fun to push myself during that challenge of penning around 1667 words a day. All the same, I usually stick with short stories. I even sold one short for a science fiction anthology. Then I quite writing for a while due to an unfortunate mentoring program that went bad. Now I'm just thrilled to be writing at all. If this works out, I'll let you know. The workshop doesn't cover the publishing end. That's only handy once you get the manuscript done, though. Best wishes to you!

    2. That is a lot of words each day. How many words in the average book I wonder

    3. I understand that fifty thousand is on the low side, and a quick search told me that the median length for all books is about 64,000 words. Interesting question! I love reading your comments.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Enjoy facilitating the workshop. That sounds like such fun.

    Now that I'm beginning to settle in in Maryland, this summer I plan to complete my book, "Loved As If," complete studies so I can pass the French translation certification exam, continue developing, and continue losing steroid weight and rebuilding my physical strength.

    Have a great summer. I look forward to reading more of your work.

    1. What tremendous plans, Drusilla! I look forward to reading your book. Your language studies and forwarding the wonderful GlamOfGod blog are like icing on the cake on top of your health goals. You inspire me, my dear. Be well.

  4. I have a lot of respect for you and those that can write. What is your genre? It must be fun. Good luck. Keep us updated!

    1. Thank you so much! Your awesome blog inspires me to make my home nicer and, well, homier. I'm currently writing a romantic fantasy with a contemporary grounding, though we'll see what develops as the exercises lead me deeper. I appreciate the boost and will mention my progress as it goes along.


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